Hyperbarics for Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery & Hyperbarics

In this study, the utility of HBOT was evaluated as an adjunct in the detoxification of alcohol-dependent patients. The HBOT group had a better rate of improvement of withdrawal symptoms and the difference was statistically significant.

Psychological benefits:

  • Repairs Damaged Neurons
  • Decreases Swelling & Inflammation
  • Aids in Cellular Detoxification
  • Improves Circulation in Damaged Tissues
  • Regenerates Tissues
  • Improves Sleep Patterns
  • Stimulates Appetite

There are many reasons to deploy the use of HBOT during drug and alcohol recovery programs. Most notably Is the repair of damaged neurons from chronic substance abuse. This can have long term and immediate impact by quality of life, decision making, moods, etc.

Adding HBOT to conventional Drug and Alcohol programs may reduce overall treatment times and complications.

  • The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygenation in the Treatment of Alcohol Abuse and Narcomania European Psychiatry, Volume 12, Supplement 2, 1997, pp. 208s-208s(1) HBOT led favorable effects that persisted following exposure, bringing about an approximately two-fold decrease of treatment duration and preventing the development of complications.
  • Method of Hyperbaric Oxygen in Narcotherapy Moscow Department of Health. The use of HBOT helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment of alcohol and drug dependent patients and reduce their time spent in the hospital.

Study: HBOT for Addition Recovery

The duration and severity of alcohol withdrawal is a great concern while treating alcohol dependent patients. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been used in few centers world over, for faster recovery of withdrawal symptoms. The present study aimed to undertake a preliminary study exploring this possibility. Thirty alcohol dependent patients were recruited in this study. They were divided into A: HBOT group (received hyperbaric oxygen therapy for 90 minutes) and B: non-HBOT group (received normobaric oxygen therapy for 90 minutes) using simple randomization technique. Withdrawal symptoms were assessed daily, using the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment scale (CIWA-Ar). The date collected from the two groups were compared. Statistical analysis used was Independent to sample t test(*). When the two groups were compared, it was found that the mean period (in days) required for the control of withdrawal symptoms for the HBOT group was 3.72 and for the non-HBOT group was 9.03 and the difference was statistically significant (P=0.0001). A better outcome among the HBOT group indicated that the effect of HBOT as an adjunct to the current detoxification regime, in the the treatment of alcohol dependent patients is definitely worth consideration and stronger evidence can be brought out in a larger multicenter trial. 

IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Services (IOSR-JDMS)

e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 16, Issue 12 Ver. XI (Dec. 2017), PP 80-83



Copyright 2020 International Hyperbarics Association

These statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. All of these statements made on this document are not anecdotal and have been taken directly from clinical data.

About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Learn about hyperbaric oxygen therapy, a non-invasive treatment that increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, helping with various conditions and enhancing your well-being.

  • Who Should Try Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy offers plenty of benefits from workout recovery to improved brain health. This improved blood flow helps your body operate more efficiently and recover from injuries with less downtime.

    Learn More About Conditions we Treat 
  • What are the Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?

    Serious infections and wounds that won’t heal are common reasons to consider hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The nature of HBOT lends itself to healing by increasing the volume of highly-oxygenated blood that’s flowing through the body. The high air pressure and increased amount of oxygen play a key role in stimulating the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) & Physical Healing

    Much like exterior wounds that won’t heal, your brain can also be incredibly slow to recover from a traumatic injury, like a concussion. Your joints and soft tissue can suffer from this same extended healing. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can streamline the recovery process by increasing oxygen in the bloodstream to promote innate healing.

    HBOT can also be instrumental in treating a variety of other conditions, including but not limited to:

    ·       Arthritis

    ·       Crush injuries

    ·       Spinal cord injury

    ·       Stroke

    Both the brain and the body stand to benefit greatly from an increased oxygen flow through the bloodstream thanks to HBOT. For some conditions, HBOT alone can restore the body to ideal function. For other conditions, your hyperbaric oxygen therapy should be applied in conjunction with other treatments to provide the best results.